July 9, 2020
There are many factors that drive custody; there are two different kinds of designation: LEGAL AND PHYSICAL LEGAL CUSTODY is defined by who selects the child’s schooling, doctors, orthodontist, etc, most aspects dealing with the legal ramifications of having a child. While most parents generally agree to joint legal custody, there could be aspects of your case which would lead to the conclusion that the designation of custody should be sole legal. Our experienced family law practitioner will explain to you the difference between the two designations. PHYSICAL CUSTODY is defined as the physical placement of the child there are two different kinds of custody Joint and Primary Physical custody. In recent Nevada Supreme Court decisions your custodial designation will drive MANY important aspects of your case, this include income tax deductions, child support, where the child attends school and custodial time share. JOINT PHYSICAL CUSTODY In a recent Nevada Supreme Court decision, the court placed a time period on what would be considered joint physical custody, this essential equates to one parent having at least 40% of the time with the child, this timing will affect the amount of child support either you may have to pay or collect. The time period appropriate for Joint Physical Custody is 146 days per year. PRIMARY PHYSICAL CUSTODY: A primary physical custodian must have custody and control of the child over 60% of the time. A primary custodian will most likely claim the child on his or her income taxes each and every year, and will collect the presumptive maximum of child support (16% of his or her gross monthly income).